What else can I do Doctor?
It is an invariable question that the fertility couple is bound to pose after the final leg of treatment. The hectic activity is over and now is the time to wait for the results and believe me, it can be very stressful. There is definitely the usual about medication and diet and rest, but the most important culprit that has to be tackled is STRESS!! Women should be advised to do whatever keeps their mind off the outcome of pregnancy. this slow de-petalling with "Will it..wont it" causes a lot of problems. Research has shown there are highest level of stress is documented on the day the final test for pregnancy confirmation is made. The Doctor's advice to the couple has to take care of the waiting period as well as the DAY! One way to look at things is to say to one self, I have given my best as has my doctor, ther's only so much i can do, and quoting Scarlett'O Hara's famous words in Gone with the Wind " 'll think about this tomorrow"! It's a...