What Scares You.....
All of us can answer differently to the above question! I would say "Creepy Crawlies" of the world..but that does not mean that I would not try to face them when the situation demands, avoid as I may! When it comes to Fears, its like an omnipresent chapter in our lives, the face of it may differ from person to person. But one thing we all are scared of.."Failure"!! How we deal with the fear is another aspect. Some may deny it, others would ignore it, few may succumb to it. Best is to deal with it! It is the same in our journey to fertility, we pass the same stages of denial, ignorance and for some , succumbing to it. Then there are those brave souls who deal with it! Hats off to them!! A woman who has a mortal fear of needles, going through a fertility treatment is to me like a brave soldier who has pulled up her socks and gathered her armamentarium of strengths and has declared war on the hurdles in between her and the conception she so desires!Even though she holl...