
Showing posts from July, 2021

Time to Stand up!

We have all been sharply chastened by our smart watches to stand up, get our bodies moving! What if there was an app to similarly step in and admonish us to stand up for ourselves!  For our rights, and other’s wrongs. For the road we want to take and not to be pushed! To simply stand up, and take charge, of our lives, decisions, step forwards! It would make so much of a difference to the dilemmas of the couple I see in my consulting room daily.  A couple dealing with fertility issues and all the baggage that comes with it ..Pushed by social obligation, societal pressures, burdened by what path the joint family feels is right for them to pursue. It’s a complex  mélange  of emotions, experiences, realisations and finally acceptance! Like a potpourri of every known feeling, and something that is on the table, whether you ordered it or not!! One would assume it would be best tackled with sensitivity, information gathering, and personal processing. But things are starkly ...