Before the next Teardrop Falls.....

The various events for a "Woman's Day" prompted me to think...Why a day? Why not celebrate a Lifetime? The celebration of the many aspects of Womanhood! From a Daughter who brings immense joy to the parents, and is always there for in a quiet, sometimes boisterous ways... To a Sister who walked with you through thick and thin.. To a Girlfriend who brought out the best in you... To a Wife , who made sure you stuck to your guts exploring the best in you! And above all to the Mother, who instilled the best in you!! 

All the other pages were handed over to us in a way to execute, all except "Motherhood", which then becomes a woman's prerogative, to initiate and perpetuate until the fulfilment comes in the shape of a bundle of joy, which is incidentally shared by the whole family! Its a huge responsibility, which comes easy to some and as a battle to some others. 

 If having children was part of your life plan, as is for most of the women,accepting that a baby won't be conceived as easily as our grandmothers told us can be extremely distressing and prompt a re-evaluation of life. During this time, a woman will go through a gamut of emotions •depression •anxiety •anger •sexual problems •relationship problems with partner, family and/or friends •guilt and self-blame •a sense of helplessness •a profound sense of loss or bereavement It's important you make time to work through these. 

There's no right or wrong way for partners to do so. It may help to talk things over with a relative, friend or a religious faith leader. It can also help to talk to a counsellor or other couples who've been through the same experience. Your doctor, or the clinic you’ve been attending, may be able to help with counselling. When beliefs fail, facts work!

 Knowing your options and working through them as a couple, with the help of your doctor helps. It's also important to weigh issues and define the importance you would want to allocate them! That brings us to the topic of issues...ASK! is what I tell patients! 

Your doctor may not be able to judge the trivia that nags you..You have to bring it out and get clarity for your understanding and to ensure the clinic and the couple are not working at cross purposes. It could be an Egg factor, a Sperm factor, an Implantation factor or even an unexplainable circumstance! But it is YOUR factor and YOU need to know it before WE start to deal with it. At the end of the day, there are things medicine can deal with and there are mountains only faith can move! Your perseverance and your doctor's skills and nerves to handle a possible failure will drive this through...not the so called 'Pregnancy Rates' of a given clinic! So give a moment to coherent thinking...Before the you allow them Teardrops!


  1. True the emotions of the couple walking in through the doors of an infertility clinic are undermined in the technical details of achieving fertility. Sad though all the story starts with a emotion and ends up in the deserts of the clinics.. builing up mirages difficult to achieve.... that is the reality:-((

  2. I agree with you, hence the need to incorporate the emotional aspects of the entire treatment process! Building up mirages is what I would strongly deter the clinics to do, as in that one shattered mirage we perhaps shatter a lot more then we even envisaged! Truth has to be told and accepted and then dealt with!
    and trying to keep that smile on helps... so :-)

  3. Where is the "Like" option here???


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