Life in a Metro.....The Good, Bad and the Ugly

We pace through the daily life in an unending rush, especially so in the metropolis. Like a coin, life in a big city has its pro's and con's. Do we stop to think about the effect on life and it's quality and more importantly, fertility and it's quality? lets do the exercise for a moment here! Lifestyle modifications go a long way in improving and improvising the way we live our days and also the number of days we live!

The concept has to be drilled into us from the childhood because firstly the foundations built in young age decide how our future shapes up and secondly, because we as a species are in love with that which is easy! Our kids grow chubbier, our adults grow obese and our doctors grow busier!

The wholesome effect of an unprocessed diet, hours in open air and away from the addictive screens cannot be overstressed. However, those who live in pigeonhole high rise apartments can but dream of those days which we have taken for granted in our childhood. We can of course make sure our kids know the importance of these gifts of nature that are fast dwindling.
 Weekends should be away from fast food, fast lane, back to the slow pace and physically active zone for families. A simple thing as taking the stairs rather than the elevator can be helpful. A run in the nearby Park, a frenzied game of "chase me" up on the terrace can bring the roses back on those chubby cheeks!

For the older adult group, its more of a challenge, to balance the work hours with the work out hours.
However, as less as a 40 minutes time frame three times a week is sufficient for those who cant afford any more.
Small multiple meals, a small pouch of nuts tucked in the bag, loads of water to sip throughout the day and a early dinner is for those on the run always! And yes, let the elevators not tempt you always!

The good thing is the gyms that have cropped up like a rash in our Metros! there is no business like the health and beauty business! So step in to the nearby gym and yes don't let them goad you into an unachievable programme. rather stick to the treadmill, cycles and the stepper if the knees are young and the mind is raring to go!

And lastly, don't look at the weight machine, look at the sparkle in your eyes, the energy bursts that you feel and the approving glances you earn!
And yes, keep you iPod handy, for that's the best technology has done for us...Bring us close to the melodies of Life !
Master the art of living in a Metro!


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