We embark on a journey of life, full of hope and smiles. Sometimes we stumble. The important thing is to get up and take on life with twice the resolve, having learnt from the experience. The road to attaining motherhood is somewhat similar. You need some one to assure you and encourage you. I hope I can help in someway.


  1. congrats on the blog.
    a question...
    There has been such a mushrooming of infertility specialists that the competition is really fierce. So , each specialist claims better and better results. I would like to know, what is the real take home pregnancy rate , as an average , for IVF , in unexplained infertility


  2. Hi Samar, thanks for the interest. The question is very pertinent, especially now, when we need to know the credibility of services we enroll for. the International average success rate has plateaued around 40-45 % despite what you hear people talking ...
    translated to take home baby rate it is a figure of 20-25%, which is good enough. what happens is that the data in Indian scenario is very biased, especially due to the third party ART .
    hope this has been helpful.


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